Education Technology

Solution 12058: Fractions with the TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family, and Voyage™ 200 Graphing Calculators.

How do I work with fractions on the TI-89 family, TI-92 family, and Voyage 200 graphing calculators?

The TI-89 family, TI-92 Family, and Voyage 200 will perform calculations involving fractions. However, the unit returns fractional results in the form of an improper fraction. Use propFrac() function to return an improper fraction as a mixed number, which is accessed by pressing [2nd][MATH][9][7].

Please Note: Before trying the examples below, enter the [MODE] menu and change the Exact/Approximate setting to Exact.


Calculate 3/4 + 7/5 (Answer: 43/20)

1) Input 3, press the division key, input 4.
2) Press the [+] key.
3) Input 7, press the division key, input 5.
4) Press the [ENTER] key.
5) To view the mixed number, input propFrac(43/20) and press [ENTER].

Calculate 25 4/7 - 9/16 (Answer: 2801/112)

1) Press the [(] key, input 25, press the [+] key, input 4, press the division key, input 7, press the [)] key.
2) Press the [-] key.
3) Press the [(] key, input 9, press the division key, input 16, press the [)] key.
4) Press the [ENTER] key.

Calculate 8/4 x 6/15 (Answer: 4/5)

1) Input 8, press the division key, input 4.
2) Press the [x] key.
3) Input 6, press the division key, input 15.
4) Press the [ENTER] key.

Calculate (5 8/13) / (9/23) (Answer: 1679/117)

1) Press the [(] key, input 5, press the [+] key, input 8, press the division key, input 13, press the [)].
2) Press the division key.
3) Press the [(] key, input 9, press the division key, input 23, press the [)] key.
4) Press the [ENTER] key.

Please see the TI-89 family, TI-92 family and Voyage 200 guidebooks for additional information.