Education Technology

Solution 10577: Converting Units of Measure on the TI-85 and TI-86.

How do I convert units of measure on the TI-85 and TI-86?

To convert units of measure on the TI-85 and TI-86, follow this procedure:

  • Enter the value to be converted.
  • Press [2nd] and [CONV] to display the CONV menu.
  • Press the corresponding F key for the category of the unit of measure (Example: LNGTH for Meters, VOL for liter).
  • Select the current unit of measure from the conversion group menu. The unit abbreviation and conversion symbol are pasted to the cursor location.
  • Select the new unit of measure from the conversion group menu. The unit abbreviation is pasted to the cursor location.
  • Press [ENTER] to convert the measurement.

Example: Convert 5 meters to feet.

  • Enter the number 5 on the home screen.
  • Press [2nd] and [CONV] to display the CONV menu.
  • Press [F1] for LNGTH, and then [F3] for meters.
  • Press [F5] for feet, then press [ENTER].

The answer should be 16.404.

Please see the TI-85 and TI-86 guidebooks for additional information.