Education Technology

Solution 10353: Performing Number Base Conversions on the TI-85 or TI-86.

How are number base conversions performed on the TI-85 or TI-86?

The examples below will demonstrate how to perform number base conversions on the TI-85 or TI-86.

Example 1: Convert 10110 to Hexadecimal.

1) Input 10110
2) Press [2nd] [BASE] [F2:TYPE]
3) Select [F1:b]
4) Press [2nd] [F3:CONV] [F2: >Hex]

The displayed answer will show 16h.

Example 2: Convert the hexadecimal number 16 to binary.

1) Input 16
2) Press [2nd] [BASE] [F2:TYPE]
3) Select [F2:h]
4) Press [2nd] [F3:CONV] [F1:>Bin]

The displayed answer will show 10110b.

Please see the TI-85 and TI-86 guidebooks for additional information.