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Solution 11550: Using the Turbidity Sensor with the CBL™, CBL 2™, or Vernier LabPro® Data Collection Devices.

How can I use the Turbidity Sensor with the CBL, CBL 2, or Vernier LabPro® data collection devices?

The turbidity sensor can be used with the CBL, CBL 2 or Vernier LabPro® data collection devices. Follow the procedure below to use the sensor with the graphing calculator:

1. When using the Vernier LabPro® or CBL 2.

• Connect the calculator to the Vernier LabPro® or CBL 2
• Put the calculator in RECEIVE mode by pressing [2nd][LINK][ENTER].
• Press the TRANSFER button on the Vernier LabPro® or CBL 2. The transfer should begin and the Datamate™ application sent to the calculator.
• Press [2nd][QUIT] on the calculator when the transfer is completed.
• Connect the turbidity sensor to the Vernier LabPro® or CBL 2.
• Start Datamate on the calculator. The application will identify the turbidity sensor immediately.
• Calibrate the sensor (see below).
• Begin data collection (see below).

2. When using the original CBL.

• Download the latest version the CHEMBIO program from the website below and save it on the computer.
• Send the CHEMBIO program to the calculator using the TI Connect™ software.
• Connect the calculator to the CBL and connect the turbidity sensor to the CBL.
• Start CHEMBIO.
• Choose SETUP PROBES and choose TURBIDITY from the list of sensors.
• Calibrate the sensor (see below).
• Begin data collection (see below).


• If the sample water is very clear, let the turbidity sensor warm up for about five minutes to assure a stable voltage.
• Enter the calibration routine for the Datamate program
First Calibration Point: Obtain the cuvette containing the turbidity standard (100 NTU) and gently invert it four times to mix in any particles that may have settled to the bottom. Do not shake the standard. Shaking will introduce tiny air bubbles that will affect turbidity readings.
• Wipe the outside of the cuvette with a soft, lint-free cloth or tissue.
• Holding the standard by the lid, place it in the turbidity sensor. Align the mark on the cuvette with the mark on the turbidity sensor. These marks must be aligned whenever a reading is taken.
• Close the lid.
• Enter "100" as the value in NTU.
• Remove the standard
Second Calibration Point: Prepare a blank by rinsing the empty cuvette with distilled water, then filling it to the top of the line with distilled water. The bottom of the meniscus should be at the top of the line for every measurement throughout this test. This volume level is critical to obtain correct turbidity values.
• Screw the lid on the cuvette. Gently wipe the outside with a soft, lint-free cloth or tissue.
• Holding the cuvette by the lid, place it into the slot of the turbidity sensor. Make sure that the marks are aligned.
• Enter "0" as the value in NTU.
• Begin collecting turbidity data.


• Gently invert the sample water to mix any particles that may have settled to the bottom. Do not shake the sample. Shaking will introduce tiny air bubbles that will affect turbidity.
• Empty the distilled water from the cuvette and rinse it with sample water. Fill the cuvette to the top on the line with sample water.
• Screw the lid on the cuvette. Gently wipe the outside with a soft, lint-free cloth or tissue.
• Holding the cuvette by the lid, place it into the turbidity sensor. Make sure the marks are aligned.
• Close the lid.
• Monitor the turbidity value.
Note: Particles in the water will settle over time and show a slow downward drift in turbidity readings; therefore, take the readings soon after placing the cuvette in the sensor.