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Solution 10251: Charging Bay Verses Power Adapter with TI-Navigator™ Type I and Type II Hubs.

Is there a difference in using a TI-Navigator Charging Bay versus a separate power adapter when charging TI-Navigator Type I or Type II Hubs?

No, there is not a difference in using a TI-Navigator Charging Bay versus a power adapter when charging TI-Navigator Type I or Type II Hubs. If the TI-Navigator Type I or Type II Hubs are fully discharged, it takes up to four hours per hub to fully charge the batteries, whether using the TI-Navigator Charging Bay or power adapter.

 When four TI-Navigator Type I Hubs are placed in the TI-Navigator Charging Bay, they are charged in sequence (one by one) until they are fully charged. Therefore, it takes up to 16 hours to fully charge all the TI-Navigator Type I Hubs using the TI-Navigator Charging Bay.

When four TI-Navigator Type II Hubs are placed in the TI-Navigator Charging Bay, they are charged simultaneously (all at once) until they are fully charged. Therefore, it takes only 4 hours to fully charge all the TI-Navigator Type II Hubs using the TI-Navigator Charging Bay.