Education Technology

Rollercoaster Functions

Activity Overview

This activity is an exploration of polynomial functions. Students will be given a LearningCheck document to recall previous knowledge about roots, maximum and minimums, and other features of a graphical display of a function. Students will then be using Activity Center to explore functions of degrees. The students will then have to create their own polynomial, which will be used as practice for their classmates. The teacher will instruct the students to create a polynomial given various criteria.

Before the Activity

Students will be given a LearningCheck document -Rollin and Coastin with Polynomials-1.edc - in which they will have to answer various questions about their knowledge of polynomials.

During the Activity

See name that poly document.

After the Activity

Have students create equations that have specific behaviors. Example: Create a degree with a y-intercept of 2. How would you describe the end behavior?

See name that poly document.

  • How many relative maximums/ minimums?
  • Discuss double roots.

  • Quick poll:
  • What are the roots of the polynomial?
  • What is the degree of the polynomial?
  • How would you describe the polynomial?
  • How would you describe the end behavior?
  • How many relative maximums/ minimums?