Education Technology

Identifying Types of Correlation from a Graph and Calculator

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Linear Functions
Activity Time
90 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-83 Plus Family
TI-84 series
Other Materials
Accompanying student handout, teacher handout, and lesson plan.
Resource Types

Identifying Types of Correlation from a Graph and Calculator

Activity Overview

Students will identify different types of correlations graphically and by using the linear regression analysis obtained from a TI-84 Plus calculator. Students will also obtain and know the significance of a correlation coefficient as a result of this lesson.

Before the Activity

Necessary lesson plans.
Teacher handout has explanation of activity and detailed directions for setup.
Review concepts of correlation by using the attached PowerPoint.

During the Activity

Student handout to be completed during the activity.

After the Activity

Review student results:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
  • Subject Area
    Math: Algebra I: Linear Functions
    Activity Time
    90 Minutes
    TI Calculator
    TI-83 Plus Family
    TI-84 series
    Other Materials
    Accompanying student handout, teacher handout, and lesson plan.
    Resource Types
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