Holt Modern Chemistry: Energy Content of Foods
Sensor - Temperature
- For more information on the Holt McDougal science series visit them on the web at www.holtmcdougal.com
- Can, small
- Food samples
- Matches
- Water, cold
- Wooden splint
- Food holder (see Figure 1)
- Graduated cylinder, 100 mL
- Stirring rods (2)
- Ring stand and 4-inch ring
- Utility clamp and slit stopper
Holt Modern Chemistry: Energy Content of Foods
This probeware Lab Energy Content of Foods from the chapter Causes of Change uses a temperature probe to calculate the temperature change of the water to determine how much energy was released when food samples burn.
Read the entire lab (Teacher Resources PDF file), plan what steps you will take and setup the equipment as described.
Make copies of the Lab PDF file for your class.
Make sure DataMate is on all student calculators.
Students will:
After the experiment students will:
As a class, review student answers, discussing problems that appeared to be more challenging, and re-teaching as needed.
Before the Activity Files
Sensor - Temperature
- For more information on the Holt McDougal science series visit them on the web at www.holtmcdougal.com
- Can, small
- Food samples
- Matches
- Water, cold
- Wooden splint
- Food holder (see Figure 1)
- Graduated cylinder, 100 mL
- Stirring rods (2)
- Ring stand and 4-inch ring
- Utility clamp and slit stopper
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