Education Technology

Hey, That's Not Fair! (Or is it?)

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will use the calculator to simulate the dice rolls to play two different games. They will decide if the games give each player an equally likely chance of winning. They also compute the probability of an event happening.

Before the Activity

  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 41 - 47 from the attached PDF file for your class
  • During the Activity

    Distribute the pages to the class.

    Follow the Activity procedures:

  • Examine the difference between fair and unfair games
  • Use real dice and explore the probability
  • Seed the calculator by entering a random number
  • Set up the calculator to simulate the rolling of 3 dice
  • In Game 1, points are assigned to players on determining if the sum of the three numbers is odd or even
  • Repeat 20 trials and find the player with maximum points
  • Record the data and the result in the Activity sheet
  • In Game 2, points are assigned to players on determining if the product of the three numbers is odd or even
  • Repeat 20 trials and find the player with maximum points
  • Record the data and the result in the Activity sheet
  • List all possible outcomes for each game and determine the fairness of the games
  • Use a tree diagram to determine the all possible outcomes of an even and an odd roll in the two games
  • Determine which game was fair and which was unfair
  • After the Activity

    Students complete the Student Activity sheet.

    Review student results:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary