Education Technology

NCTE: Exploring Pantoum Poems

Activity Overview

In this activity, students analyze a pantoum poem to understand its structure.

Before the Activity

See the attached Activity PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity.

Print the appropriate pages from the Activity for your class.

Place a pantoum on the overhead projector for the entire class to see. Ask one student to read the poem aloud. Do not discuss the poem; students will discuss a different pantoum later on. Provide each group with a copy of the student work sheet, "Pantoum Writing Guide," and a copy of the rubric you will use to assess them.

During the Activity

  • Distribute the appropriate pages from the Activity to your class
  • Follow the procedures outlined in the Activity

  • Students will:
  • Identify the defining features and structures of literary texts.
  • Choose words purposefully and evaluate the use of words in communications designed to inform, explain, and persuade.
  • Evaluate how audience and context affect the selection and use of words and phrases, including technical terms, slang, and jargon.
  • Perform expressive oral readings of prose, poetry, and drama.
  • After the Activity

    Place a pantoum on the overhead projector (different from the one you used at the beginning of the class.) Ask a student to read the poem aloud. Review the structure of a pantoum.