Education Technology

NCSS: Greece versus Rome

Activity Overview

Students gather information to compare and contrast the civilizations of Greece and Rome. They will use information to compare various aspects of Greek and Roman life. They will then answer questions and analyze a quotation to show their conclusions.

Before the Activity

See the attached Activity PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity.

Print the appropriate pages from the Activity for your class.

Install the StudyCards(tm) and NoteFolio(tm) Apps on the students' graphing calculators following the attached instructions.

Have students define and discuss Cultural Diffusion (the exchange of goods, ideas, and customs among different cultures across time and space) either in small groups or as a class activity.

During the Activity

  • Distribute the appropriate pages from the Activity to your class
  • Distribute the StudyCards(tm) and NoteFolio(tm) file(s) to your class using TI Connect(tm) and the appropriate TI Connectivity cable
  • Follow the procedures outlined in the Activity

  • Students will:
  • Integrate StudyCards(tm) and NoteFolio(tm) applications into meaningful social studies instruction.
  • Create Greek and Roman TImeSpan(tm) Timelines.
  • Identify major events and people in Greek and Roman civilization.
  • Examine the influence of this historical period on future Western civilizations.
  • Compare and contrast Greek and Roman achievements.
  • Gather evidence of cultural diffusion from Greece to Rome.
  • Compare and contrast the influence of Greece and Rome on modern civilizations.
  • Discuss the transmission of Greek and Roman culture to modern civilizations.
  • Identify blended elements of Greek and Roman culture.
  • Analyze a primary source document, The Metamorphoses, by Ovid to identify the blending of Greek and Roman civilizations.
  • Combine primary and secondary sources to critically examine and draw conclusions about a historical event.
  • After the Activity

    Although the Romans emulated many Greek achievements, Roman roads were engineering feats, parts of which still exist today. The Roman system of road building was by far the best method used at that time. By contrast, the Greek "highway" system consisted of waterways, seas, and rivers. Have students list and explain possible advantages and disadvantages of each country's transportation mode. Students can also analyze the meaning of the quotation, "All roads lead to Rome."