Education Technology

Mental Multiplication

Activity Overview

This activity is designed as a five-minute drill for my 5th through 7th graders to enhance mental multiplication using the distributative property.
Facts 20 emphasize 11-20 and facts 30 emphasize 11-30. I will do this activity for two weeks.

Before the Activity

Children should be able to use the distributative property mentally.
This activity is designed as a five-minute drill for my 5th through 7th graders to enhance mental multiplication using the distributative property.
Facts 20 emphasize 11-20 and facts 30 emphasize 11-30. I do this for two weeks.

During the Activity

Load the appropriate activity center for the factor of the day. If you want the factor to be 6 load times 20 6. act Use the list graph tab to start. The students will receive two lists X20 random numbers to 20 and Y20 is a list filled with zeros. The students are asked to multiply the numbers in X by the factor of the day and replace the zeros with the product. I hide the teachers' data points and I hide students' name.

After the Activity

Call time and have the students send the data. They should be able to easily find any mistakes. You can then show the teachers' data and orally fill in the products or just hover over the points not on the line for an oral correction.
Students who did not finish in time can practice with the X20 list in their calculators. You must show them where to find it. Key strokes: (stat 1 up arrow 2nd stat) 1 } y arrow down to find X20. After going through each factor 4 9, I load activity center for "times 20 9" and assign different factors to different students. The learn check document "" is an assessment after the two week practice period. Extension: Facts to 30. I follow the same procedure for the older children.