Education Technology

Have a Nice Day

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will practice plotting points on the coordinate plane by using the TI-Navigator System. A smiley face is placed as the background image in Activity Center, and students are asked to plot points in specific areas on the smiley. A LearnCheck file is included to assess understanding after completion of the activity.

Before the Activity

Before starting Activity Center in Navigator, load the "Have a Nice Day" activity setting. This will place a smiley face as the background image in Activity Center and will allow students to submit form data for the x and y values of a coordinate.

During the Activity

Start the activity and ask students to plot a point in a specific area of the smiley face. For example, ask them to plot a point in the second quadrant that is also in the eye socket of the smiley. When all students have plotted a point, stop the activity and discuss results. Restart the activity asking students to plot a point in another area of the smiley face. Repeat as many times as desired.

After the Activity

After the activity is over, use the "Have a Nice Day LearnCheck" file to assess student understanding of the coordinate system.