Education Technology

Calculator Controlled Robots - Mission 6: Game Day!

Activity Overview

Congratulations! You've made it to Game Day! If you've sneaked ahead and skipped the previous lessons you won't have a clue how to program your robot to do these activities. Go back to Mission 1 and start over. If you've completed the previous five missions. Great Job! You're ready to start.

Before the Activity

Your teacher will divide you into groups and show you which game to start with. Each group will have a chance to play all six games.

Please see the attached PDF for more details for this activity.

Download program: Game1.8xp or to write the program see the attached PDF for more details.

Purchase the Norland Calculator Robot at:

During the Activity

Please see the attached PDF for more details for this activity.

After the Activity

Review student results:

  • As a class, discuss areas that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary