Education Technology

How High Will it Bounce?

Activity Overview

Students collect the height versus time data of a bouncing ball using the CBR 2™. They find the relationship between the bounce number and the bounce height. They also learn to graph scatter plots, calculate the maximum value of a parabola, analyze and find an exponential regression for the rebound height.

Before the Activity

  • Use TI Connect™ to download Vernier EasyData™ application
  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 117 - 126 from the attached PDF file for the class

  • During the Activity

    Distribute the pages to the class.

    Follow the Activity procedures:

  • Retrieve time and bounce height data from Activity 12: Bouncing Ball
  • Record the X and Y coordinates of peaks as lists
  • Mark the vertices and join the points
  • Use the calculator to identify if a linear equation or an exponential equation is a better fit
  • Notice both functions have coefficients close to one and their graphed functions are not distinctive when plotted
  • Zoom and notice the exponential function is a better fit to the data peaks
  • Find the equation for the exponential function in the form Y = ab^x
  • Divide every vertex's Y-value by the previous vertex's Y-value, calculate the average and find the rebound percent
  • Use it to calculate the height of each successive vertex of a bounce
  • Use bounce height ratio, rebound percent, and initial drop height to write the exponential equation
  • Compare this equation with the one generated by the calculator
  • Determine how high the ball will bounce on its next bounce
  • After the Activity

  • Students analyze the results and answer the case analysis questions on the student worksheet.
  • Review student results
  • Discuss exponential functions being repeated multiplications
  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary