Education Technology
Science: Chemistry Classroom ActivitiesDownload

I'm Melting, I'm Melting

Students will use the Vernier EasyTemp© temperature sensor to determine the change in thermal energy for a given mass of ice, the heat of fusion of ice, and percent error.
  • TI-84 series

Temperature Conversions

Students will review the different temperature scales and use the List Editor to convert from one temperature scale to another.
  • TI-84 series

It's a Mystery

Students will use the Periodic-App to understand the properties of a mystery element and determine its identity.
  • TI-84 series
Boiling Temperature KeyShot1

Vernier - Boiling Temperature of Water

In this activity, students will use an EasyTemp probe to measure the temperature of hot water and determine its boiling temperature. EasyData™ is needed for this activity.
  • TI-84 series

Vernier - Chill Out: How Hot Objects Cool

Students use a temperature probe to collect data as the warmed probe cools. Students investigate Newton's law of cooling and model cooling data with an exponential function. They fit the data to a mathematical model after analysis.
  • TI-84 series
Conductrimetric Titration KeyShot1

Vernier - Conductimetric Titration and Gravimetric Determination of a Precipitate

Students use a Conductivity Probe to measure change in conductivity during a chemical reaction and determine the equivalence point of the reaction They determine the mass of the product and calculate the molar concentration of the reactant solution.
  • TI-84 series
Beers Law KeyShot2

Vernier - Determine Concentration of a Solution: Beer's Law

Students will use a Vernier Colorimeter to determine the relationship between concentration and absorbance of nickel sulfate solution (Beer's law). They will then determine the concentration of a unknown sample using the standard curve.
  • TI-84 series
Mole Ratios KeyShot1

Vernier - Determining the Mole Ratios in a Chemical Reaction

Measure the enthalpy change of a series of reactions. Determine the stoichiometry of an oxidation-reduction reaction in which the reactants are known but the products are unknown.
  • TI-84 series
Dissolved Oxygen KeyShot2

Vernier - Dissolved Oxygen

Students use the Dissolved Oxygen Probe to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water from streams and rivers. They correlate the availability of dissolved oxygen to temperature, pressure, and salinity.
  • TI-84 series

Vernier - Freezing and Melting of Water

In this experiment, the cooling and warming behavior of a familiar substance, water, will be investigated. By examining graphs of the data, the freezing and melting temperatures of water will be determined and compared.

    Vernier - How Low Can You Go?

    In this activity, students will use an EasyTemp temperature probe to determine the normal melting temperature of ice. They will then study how the addition of salt to the melting ice affects its melting temperature. They will finally formulate a procedure for reaching the coldest melting temperature using water, ice, and salt, and verify the results.
    • TI-84 series
    Microscale Titration KeyShot2

    Vernier - Microscale Acid-Base Titration

    In this activity, students' will use a pH sensor to determine the change in pH during a titration of a known concentration of NaOH and unknown concentration of HCl. Students' will determine the concentration of unknown HCl.
    • TI-84 series
    Mix It Up KeyShot2

    Vernier - Mix it Up: Combining Liquids of Different Temps

    Students use the EasyTemp Probe to measure the temperature of hot and cold water before and after mixing. Students compare the mixing temperatures to a linear prediction. EasyData™ is needed for this activity.
    • TI-84 series
    Nitrate KeyShot1

    Vernier - Nitrate

    Student uses the Nitrate Ion-Selective Probe to measure the Nitrate ions concentration in water samples. In another method, student converts nitrate ions to nitrite and use the Vernier Colorimeter to measure nitrite and calculate the nitrate levels.
    • TI-84 series
    pH Keyshot2

    Vernier - pH

    Students use a pH sensor to measure the pH level of water in a stream or lake. They examine how air pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide cause acid rain, which affects the pH of water bodies and aquatic organisms.
    • TI-84 series

    Vernier - Vapor Pressure of Liquids

    Students investigate the relationship between the vapor pressure of liquid and its temperature. They use a Pressure Sensor and a Temperature Probe to collect pressure and temperature data. Students compare the vapor pressure of two liquids.
    • TI-84 series

    Beverage Tests

    Students determine the pH of liquid samples. They get familiar with the pH scale, create graphs comparing pH levels, and compare data displayed as a scatter plot, a boxplot, a histogram, and a bar graph.
    • TI-84 series

    Periodic Table App

    This App provides students with a graphical representation of the elements of the Periodic Table. Information includes 15 properties and facts about the 109 known elements. Students get to explore graphs of the periodic nature of the elements.
    • TI-84 series

    Setting the Trend

    Students will determine the trend in atomic radius for the periodic table, the trend in first ionization energy for the periodic table, and the trend in electronegativity for the periodic table.
    • TI-84 series

    Keep It Bottled Up: Linear Rates of Pressure Increase

    In this activity, you will see how temperature affects the rate at which an effervescent antacid tablet reacts with water and releases a gas. The rate at which the reaction occurs is measured by the rate of gas production.
    • TI-84 series

    Vernier - A Good Cold Pack

    Students use the EasyTemp temperature probe to determine temperature changes as different solid substances dissolve in water. They then develop and test a plan for making the best cold pack using three grams of one of the substances. EasyData™ is needed for this activity.
    • TI-84 series

    Enthalpy of an Ion

    Students will explore exothermic and endothermic reactions and create a classroom calorimeter to measure energy of a reaction.
    • TI-84 series

    Vernier - Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

    Students will observe two chemical reactions. They will use an EasyTemp probe to determine the change in temperature and identify endothermic and exothermic reactions.
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      TI-84 Plus CE Python
    • TI-84 series