Education Technology
Statistics: Normal Distributions Classroom ActivitiesDownload

Percentiles & Z-Scores

Students calculate percentiles, z-scores, and probabilities using normal distributions.
  • TI-84 series

t Distributions

Students compare the t distribution to the standard normal distribution and use the invT command to find critical values for a t distribution.
  • TI-84 series

Areas In Intervals

Students estimate and find a given area under a normal curve.
  • TI-84 series

Assessing Normalcy

Students use four criteria to determine if a data set is normal. They begin by looking at a histogram to determine if it is symmetric and bell-shaped.
  • TI-84 series

Is it Rare?

Students use the Poisson distribution to determine the probabilities for various numbers of hurricanes hitting the United States in a given year.
  • TI-84 series

Percentiles - IB

The goal of this activity is for students to use the area to the left of a value in a normal distribution to find its percentile. The process will then be reversed to find the value for a given percentile. In doing so, students will learn how to use the Normal CDF and Inverse Normal commands on the handheld.

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    TI-84 Plus CE Python
  • TI-84 series

What's Normal, Anyway?

Students explore normal distribution and several properties. First, simulate a binomial experiment and use a histogram of the data to examine the general shape of a normal curve. They graph a normal distribution given the mean and standard deviation. They see how the graph changes when just the mean or standard deviation changes. Lastly, they further examine normal distributions, describing the percent of data values falling within different standard deviations from the mean.
  • TI-84 series