Education Technology

Solution 11876: Batteries Used In Texas Instruments Graphing Calculators.

What type of battery does a Texas Instruments graphing calculator use?

Find the model used in the following table to determine the battery type that the calculator uses.

Model Battery type Backup battery type
TI-73 Explorer™ 4-AAA alkaline CR1616 or CR1620
TI-83 Plus 4-AAA alkaline SR44SW or 303 silver oxide
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition 4-AAA alkaline CR1616 or CR1620
TI-84 Plus 4-AAA alkaline SR44SW or 303 silver oxide
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition 4-AAA alkaline SR44SW or 303 silver oxide
TI-89 Titanium 4-AAA alkaline SR44SW or 303 silver oxide
Voyage™ 200 4-AAA alkaline CR1616 or CR1620
TI-Nspire™ 4-AAA alkaline NONE
TI-Nspire™ CAS 4-AAA alkaline NONE

 For more information regarding your Texas Instruments graphing calculator, please refer to the guidebooks section.