Solution 34611: Computing One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Family of Graphing Calculators.
How do I compute one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators?
ANOVA is a procedure used to test the hypothesis that three or more different samples were all selected from populations with the same mean.Example: To compare the distance traveled by three different brands of golf balls when struck by a driver, a completely randomized design is used. A robotic golfer, using a driver, is set up to hit a random sample of 24 balls (8 of each brand) in a random sequence follow the steps below:
1) Press [stat] [5] [enter] to restore default lists
2) Press [stat] [4] [2nd] [1] [,] [2nd] [2] [,] [2nd] [3] [enter] to delete the data in all three lists
3) Press [stat] [1] to access the STAT list editor
4) Enter data in L1 by pressing 264.3 [enter] 258.6 [enter] 266.4 [enter] 256.5 [enter] 182.7 [enter] 181 [enter] 177.6 [enter] 187.3 [enter]
5) Enter data in L2 by pressing [→] then 262.9 [enter] 259.9 [enter] 264.7 [enter] 254 [enter] 191.2 [enter] 189 [enter] 185.5 [enter] 192.1 [enter]
6) Enter data in L3 by pressing [→] then 241.9 [enter] 238.6 [enter] 244.9 [enter] 236.2 [enter] 167.3 [enter] 165.9 [enter] 162.4 [enter] 172.5 [enter]
7) Press [2nd] [mode] to return to the home screen.

8) Press [stat] then [←] to highlight TESTS and press [↑] until the ANOVA( option is selected
9) Press [enter] to select the ANOVA( function and place it on the home screen

10) Press [2nd] [1] [,] [2nd] [2] [,] [2nd] [3] [ ) ] to input L1,L2,L3) and complete the ANOVA function.

11) Press [enter] to calculate the ANOVA.

The p-value is 0.530657, which shows that there is not a significant difference between any of the mean distances traveled by the three brands of balls. In this case, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.
Please see the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Family guidebooks for additional information.
Last updated: 7/24/2023