Education Technology

Vernier - Determining the Mole Ratios in a Chemical Reaction

Subject Area
Science: Chemistry: Stoichiometry and Mole
Science: Chemistry: Gases, Liquids and Solids
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Connect™ CE
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
CBL™ 2
Other Materials
  • two 10 mL graduated cylinders
  • two 25 mL graduated cylinders
  • two 50 mL graduated cylinders
  • three 250mL beakers
  • Styrofoam cups
  • .50 M sodium hypochlorite
  • .50 M sodium thiosulfate
Resource Types

Vernier - Determining the Mole Ratios in a Chemical Reaction

Activity Overview

Measure the enthalpy change of a series of reactions. Determine the stoichiometry of an oxidation-reduction reaction in which the reactants are known but the products are unknown.

Subject Area
Science: Chemistry: Stoichiometry and Mole
Science: Chemistry: Gases, Liquids and Solids
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Connect™ CE
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
CBL™ 2
Other Materials
  • two 10 mL graduated cylinders
  • two 25 mL graduated cylinders
  • two 50 mL graduated cylinders
  • three 250mL beakers
  • Styrofoam cups
  • .50 M sodium hypochlorite
  • .50 M sodium thiosulfate
Resource Types
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