Education Technology

The Value of Place Value

Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Measurement
Math: Elementary Math: Number Operations
Activity Time
45 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Other Materials
  • Counting on Frank by Rod Clement
  • Base-ten materials
Resource Types

The Value of Place Value

Activity Overview

Students will build their flexibility in using numbers by exploring the connections between the number symbols and their representations with base-ten materials.

Before the Activity

Read Counting On Frank by Rod Clement and discuss some other kinds of questions that a person could ask about how many objects fit in or on other objects.

During the Activity

Give each group of students a large pile of units (over 300) from the base-ten materials, and tell them that this is how many jelly beans fit into a jar that you filled.
Ask them to count the jelly beans and observe the techniques they use (counting one at a time, making groups of 10, etc.).

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Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Measurement
Math: Elementary Math: Number Operations
Activity Time
45 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Other Materials
  • Counting on Frank by Rod Clement
  • Base-ten materials
Resource Types
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