Measurement and Geometry
- This is Activity 3 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Ruler, string or measuring tape
- Butcher paper
- Scissors
- Containers, cubes, dice, marbles, counters, and balances
- Larger paper
- Pictures with enlarged reduced copies
- Protractors
- Pencils and markers
- String, compass, and caliper
Uncovering Math with Manipulatives, the TI-10, and the TI-15 Explorer
The following materials are required for this activity:
Measurement and Geometry
Students explore the use of manipulatives to conduct simple geometry and measurement activities.
Distribute the page to the class.
Follow the activity procedures:
Map It!:
Only Half There?:
No More Peas, Please!:
Do Centimeters Make Me Taller?:
What's My Ratio?:
Ratios in Regular Polygons:
Predicting & pi;:
- This is Activity 3 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Ruler, string or measuring tape
- Butcher paper
- Scissors
- Containers, cubes, dice, marbles, counters, and balances
- Larger paper
- Pictures with enlarged reduced copies
- Protractors
- Pencils and markers
- String, compass, and caliper
Uncovering Math with Manipulatives, the TI-10, and the TI-15 Explorer
The following materials are required for this activity:
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