Hat Trick
- This is Activity 7 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Poster paper for visual display
- Chart-sized grid paper (optional or visual display)
- Markers
- Overhead projector or chalkboard
- Paper, pencils
A World of Mathematics: Activities for Grades 4, 5, and 6 Using the TI-15
The following materials are required for this activity:
Hat Trick
Students learn to solve a real-world problem in economics. Students get to understand how surveys often use a sample of people rather than all of the people involved. They also learn how to make decisions based on the results of a sample survey.
Distribute the pages to the class.
Follow the activity procedures:
Using pi
Students evaluate each presentation.
- This is Activity 7 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Poster paper for visual display
- Chart-sized grid paper (optional or visual display)
- Markers
- Overhead projector or chalkboard
- Paper, pencils
A World of Mathematics: Activities for Grades 4, 5, and 6 Using the TI-15
The following materials are required for this activity:
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