Vernier EasyLink® interface
Explore math and science concepts such as light, force, pressure and more. The EasyLink interface is a single-channel interface that connects more than 60 standard Vernier sensors to TI graphing calculators.
Vernier Go!Link® USB sensor interface
The Go!Link® sensor is a single-channel interface that connects most Vernier sensors directly to a computer via a USB cable and the user'sVernier EasyTemp® sensor
The general-purpose temperature sensor that plugs directly to TI graphing calculators to start measuring hot and cold information in seconds.
1. This interface can only collect acceleration data from one axis.
2. This sensor and interface combination can be problematic when measuring at 565 nm.
3. Maximum data-collection rate on the interface may limit the sensor's response in collision experiments.
4. Requires a BNC electrode
5. This software cannot apply digital filters to EKG data.
6. Requires a Heart Rate Receiver to connect to an interface
7. Software does not support the Data Tagging feature that is typically used with this sensor.
8. Requires an additional signal source, such as LabQuest running the Power Amplifier app or a computer running the Power Amplifier Function Generator Software, to control the Power Amplifier output
9. Requires a Gas Pressure Sensor.
10. Software does not support baseline adjustment.
11. This interface can collect voltage data or current data but not both simultaneously. As a result, the software cannot calculate resistance and power data.
12. This interface/software combination can only collect force data; displacement measurements are not supported.
LabQuest, Vernier EasyLink, Vernier EasyTemp and Go!Link are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education™.