Education Technology

Vernier EasyLink® interface

Explore math and science concepts such as light, force, pressure and more. The EasyLink interface is a single-channel interface that connects more than 60 standard Vernier sensors to TI graphing calculators.

Vernier Go!Link® USB sensor interface

The Go!Link® sensor is a single-channel interface that connects most Vernier sensors directly to a computer via a USB cable and the user's TI-Nspire™ CX Premium Teacher Software, providing a quick and affordable way to get started with data collection.

Vernier EasyTemp® sensor

The general-purpose temperature sensor that plugs directly to TI graphing calculators to start measuring hot and cold information in seconds.

LabQuest® sensors EasyLink®
25-g Accelerometer
3-Axis Accelerometer 1
30-Volt Voltage Probe
Blood Pressure Sensor
Calcium Ion-Selective Electrode
Charge Sensor
Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode
C02 Gas Sensor
Colorimeter 2
Conductivity Probe
Constant Current System
Current Probe
Differential Voltage Probe
Dissolved Oxygen Probe
Dual-Range Force Sensor 3
EKG Sensor 5
Electrode Amplifier 4
Exercise Heart Rate Monitor
Extra Long Temperature Probe
Flow Rate Sensor
Force Plate
Gas Pressure Sensor
Go Wireless® Exercise Heart Rate 6
Go Wireless® Heart Rate 6
Hand Dynamometer
Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
High Current Sensor
Instrumentation Amplifier
Light Sensor
Low-g Accelerometer
Magnetic Field Sensor
Melt Station
Nitrate Ion-Selective Electrode
O2 Gas Sensor
ORP Sensor
PAR Sensor
pH Sensor
Pressure Sensor 400
Relative Humidity Sensor
Respiration Monitor Belt 8
Salinity Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
Sound Level Sensor
Spirometer 9
Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
Surface Temperature Sensor
Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor
Turbidity Sensor
UVA Sensor
UVB Sensor
Vernier Energy Sensor11
Vernier Structures & Materials Tester12
Voltage Probe

LabQuest, Vernier EasyLink, Vernier EasyTemp and Go!Link are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education™.

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