Education Technology

Angles and Similarity

Activity Overview

Experiment with the measures of the angles of similar triangles to determine conditions necessary for two triangles to be similar.


  • Students will be able to prove that when two pairs of corresponding angles of two triangles are congruent, the third pair of angles will be congruent.
  • Students will recognize and apply the Angle-Angle Similarity Theorem.


  • proportional
  • similarity
  • congruence
  • corresponding parts

About the Lesson

This lesson involves investigating the relationship among angles in similar triangles. As a result students will:

  • Change the angle measures of one triangle to match the angle measures in another triangle.
  • Prove that when two pairs of corresponding angles of two triangles are congruent, the third pair of angles will be congruent.
  • See the equal ratios of the sides when two angle measures match showing that the congruence of two pairs of corresponding angles is sufficient to make two similar triangles.
  • Apply the ratio of the sides of similar triangles to find the measure of one side when they know the measure of a given corresponding side.