Free-response question BC2 involves the slope of a tangent line at a specific time, the speed, and the acceleration vector of the particle, and the total distance traveled by the particle over a time interval.
Resources for this module
Find videos, documents and calculator files (as needed) to aid in your teaching of questions found
on the AP® Calculus exam.

The videos below are divided into two sections: resource and technology. In the resource video, you’ll find information on scoring, solutions and common errors in the released free-response question. The technology videos show the tech solutions available using your graphing calculator.
Resource Videos
This video presents typical scoring guidelines, solutions and common errors associated with specific parts of the 2022 AP® Calculus exam. The detailed solutions emphasize the AP® Calculus mathematical practices and skills and include a reasonable expectation of how each would be scored.
Technology Videos
Free-response questions with graphically presented functions have appeared regularly on AP® exams (both AB and BC) over the last 20 years. Analyze functions using graphical information on Texas Instruments graphing calculators with examples from the 2022 AP® Calculus BC exam.
Particle Motion in the Plane on the TI-Nspire™ CX Graphing Calculator
This video illustrates how you can evaluate parametric equations on a Notes page on a TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator to analyze velocity components of a particle moving in a plane. The 2022 BC2 problem is used to show the strategy.
Particle Motion in the Plane on the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator
This video illustrates how you can evaluate equations in parametric mode on the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to analyze velocity components of a particle moving in a plane. The 2022 BC2 problem is used to show the strategy.

The “PDF slides” zip file contains slides of all the resource videos referenced above. If any calculator files are needed, they will also be available.

Calculus units
Content in this question aligns well with the AP® Calculus units 8 and 9.