Education Technology

  • Download

  • Subject Area

    • Science: Middle Grades Science: Heat Transfer
    • Science: Physical Science: Heat Transfer
    • Science: Environmental Science: Land and Soil
    • Science: Biology: Ecology
    • Science: Life Science: Ecology

  • Author

    Texas Instruments

  • Level


  • Activity Time

    60 Minutes

  • Device
    • TI-73 Explorer™
  • Software

    TI Connect™

  • Applications
  • Accessories

    CBL™/CBL 2™
    Sensor - Temperature

  • Other Materials
      This is Activity 12 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
      Activities for Middle Grades Science with the CBL 2™ and TI-73.

      You will need the following materials:
    • 1000 ml sand
    • 2 small aluminum trays
    • Water
    • Heat lamp
    • Room temperature water
    • Data Collection and Analysis pages (108 -110)
  • Report an Issue

Wet Sand / Dry Sand

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will use temperature sensors to compare the heating rates of wet sand and dry sand. They will use the results of the experiment to understand more about the effects of evaporation.

Before the Activity

  • Plug two temperature sensors in Channel 1 and Channel 2 on the CBL 2 and download DataMate™ program
  • Download TI Connect™ to analyze data on the computer
  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 105 - 110 from the attached PDF file for your class

During the Activity

Distribute the pages to your class

Follow the Activity procedures:

  • Collect one tray of dry sand and one tray of wet sand
  • Bury the end of a temperature sensor 0.5 cm below the surface of the sand in each tray
  • Place a heat lamp 20 cm above the two trays of sand
  • Start taking readings and stop after 11 data samples from each sensor have been collected
  • Graph the data
  • Compare the change in temperature for the drysand and wet sand
  • Understand the effects of evaporation on cooling
  • After the Activity

    Students' will complete Student Data Collection and Analysis Sheet.

    Review student results

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary