Education Technology

More Power To Ya!

Subject Area
Math: Calculus: Derivatives
Math: AP Calculus: AP Calculus
Activity Time
15 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Calculator
TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium
Resource Types

More Power To Ya!

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will use a script to explore the Power Rule. Students will graphically and algebraically discover the derivative of xn. They will examine "true" statements about derivatives of xn where n is an integer. They will observe patterns, and use these patterns to create a rule for finding the derivative of xn with respect to x. They will then use their rule to create examples of their own.

Subject Area
Math: Calculus: Derivatives
Math: AP Calculus: AP Calculus
Activity Time
15 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Calculator
TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium
Resource Types
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