Education Technology

Conditional Statements

Activity Overview

Students write logical statements related to the given conditional statement.

Key Steps

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    In Problem 1, students use Cabri™ Jr. to explore perspectives from a one-point perspective when drawing a prism. They use the Segment tool to draw segments that join a vertex of the prism to a vanishing point.

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    After completing the prism, students hide the segments (vanishing segments) that are joined to the vanishing point.

    Students can identify parallel, intersecting, and skew lines. They can move the prism around and count its faces, vertices, and edges.

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    In Problem 2, students explore a two-point perspective. They follow a similar procedure as in Problem 1. After completing the prism students hide the vanishing segments and study the figure.

    Students take some time to drag edges, vertices, and vanishing points to observe how the prism changes as they do so.