Education Technology

Constant Weight Gain

Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Math and Literature
Math: Elementary Math: Number Sense and Estimation
Math: Elementary Math: Algebraic Thinking
Math: Elementary Math: Basic Facts
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Other Materials
    This is Activity 16 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
    Math at Your Fingertips with the TI-10

    The following materials are required for this activity:
  • Book: Tiger Math, Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger
  • Chart paper or chalkboard
  • Writing utensils
  • Colored sheets of construction paper
Resource Types

Constant Weight Gain

Activity Overview

Students find information in different types of graphs, organize information to construct graphs, and make predictions based on graphs. They also learn to use the calculator to perform constant operations of addition and subtraction.

Before the Activity

  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 167- 180 from the attached PDF file for your class
  • During the Activity

    Distribute the page to the class.

    Follow the activity procedures:
    Activity A:

  • Discuss the characteristics of a zoo and read the book: Tiger Math, Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger to the class
  • Answer questions based on the information in the picture graph

  • Activity B:
  • Use the calculator to find the weight gained by a tiger cub during different time periods after birth
  • Answer questions about information shown in different graphs in the book

  • Activity C:
  • Use the calculator to perform a constant operation of adding 2 starting at 3
  • Determine the number of weeks in a year and the weight at the end of the year if the cub gained 2 pounds for each 2 week period

  • Activity D:
  • Use the calculator to perform a constant operation of adding 4 starting at 3
  • Determine the weight at the end of the year if the cub gained 4 pounds for each 2 week period

  • Activity E:
  • Use the calculator to perform a constant operation of subtracting
  • Determine how many pounds the tiger would have to gain each week to weigh 200 pounds on his first birthday
  • After the Activity

  • Review student results
  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
  • Subject Area
    Math: Elementary Math: Math and Literature
    Math: Elementary Math: Number Sense and Estimation
    Math: Elementary Math: Algebraic Thinking
    Math: Elementary Math: Basic Facts
    Activity Time
    60 Minutes
    TI Calculator
    TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
    Other Materials
      This is Activity 16 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
      Math at Your Fingertips with the TI-10

      The following materials are required for this activity:
    • Book: Tiger Math, Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger
    • Chart paper or chalkboard
    • Writing utensils
    • Colored sheets of construction paper
    Resource Types
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    Vernier EasyData,Vernier EasyLink and Vernier EasyTemp are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education.