Education Technology

Measuring Air Pressure

Subject Area
Science: Earth Science: Meteorology
Activity Time
80 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-83 Plus Family
TI-84 series
Sensor - Barometer
Sensor - Temperature
Other Materials
  • Various Barometers
  • Bi-Metal Aneroid, Two different digital aneroids (including a TI barometer probe), and mercury.
  • Various Thermometers
  • Alcohol
  • Mercury
  • TI temperature probe
  • Calculator
Resource Types

Measuring Air Pressure

Activity Overview

This activity is intended for my Introductory Meteorology class; an earth science elective intended for Juniors and Seniors. (It was orginally modifed from an Introductory Meteorology Laboratory Assigment taught to undergraduates at Florida State University.

However, modifications could be done to this activity which could easily convert this lab to a more remedial class studying weather properties, such as an earth science or middle school physical science course.

Before the Activity

Students should be familiar with how to use different types of thermometers and barometers, including a mercurial barometer and a bimetal aneroid barometer.

During the Activity

This activity is intended for my Introductory Meteorology class; an earth science elective intended for Juniors and Seniors. (It was orginally modifed from an Introductory Meteorology Laboratory Assigment taught to undergraduates at Florida State University.

However, modifications could be done to this activity which could easily convert this lab to a more remedial class studying weather properties, such as an earth science or middle school physical science course Please read the lab activity for detailed directions.

After the Activity

Please read the lab activity for detailed directions.

Download Files
Subject Area
Science: Earth Science: Meteorology
Activity Time
80 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-83 Plus Family
TI-84 series
Sensor - Barometer
Sensor - Temperature
Other Materials
  • Various Barometers
  • Bi-Metal Aneroid, Two different digital aneroids (including a TI barometer probe), and mercury.
  • Various Thermometers
  • Alcohol
  • Mercury
  • TI temperature probe
  • Calculator
Resource Types
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Vernier EasyData,Vernier EasyLink and Vernier EasyTemp are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education.