Education Technology

Position and Piecewise Velocity

Activity Overview

This lesson involves creating and comparing graphical representations of velocity and position based on real-life scenarios.


  • Students will modify a piecewise linear graph of velocity to model a scenario.
  • Students will make connections between a graph of an object's velocity and a corresponding graph of an object's position.
  • Students will create velocity graphs based on an object's position, and position graphs based on an object's velocity.


  • vertex
  • velocity
  • position
  • increasing and decreasing functions

About the Lesson

This lesson involves creating and comparing graphical representations of velocity and position based on real-life scenarios.
As a result, students will:

  • Manipulate segments of a piecewise linear function to represent a real life scenario about the velocity of an object.
  • Manipulate segments of a piecewise linear function to represent the velocity of an object given a real life scenario about its position.
  • Make and evaluate predictions about the position of an object given information about the object’s velocity.