Education Technology

Candy Pieces

Activity Overview

Students use a chi-square test for goodness-of-fit to determine if there is a significant difference between the proportions they find in the sample, and the proportions they would expect if the manufacturer produced equal proportions of each color.

Key Steps

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    In problem 1, students are introduced to chi-square. They use a scenario about a popular brand of candy pieces. This candy comes in five colors.

    The scenario goes on to say that the candy might likely be made from a manufacturing process that was designed to produce equal proportions of each color; they use the chi-square test for goodness-of-fit.

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    Students use ListEditor to help them calculate test for goodness-of-fit. They enter the number of pieces of each color. Students use a formula to compute a relative size of each piece of candy and enter in L3. L4 gives the sum of the of all the values found in L3 and gives students a value for chi-square.

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    Students now find whether the chi-square found is large or small. They will see that they do so by comparing the observed chi-square to the theoretical distribution of the probabilities.