Education Technology

Discovering the Quadrilateral Properties

Activity Overview

This activity will use Cabri™ Jr. to allow students' the ability to discover all of the properties of each quadrilateral, rather than simply copying them out of a textbook.

Before the Activity

Class should have prior knowledge of Cabri Jr.

During the Activity

The teacher will use TI-Navigator™ to send the attached 7 files to the students calculators. The students can be grouped for cooperative learning for this activity.
Each student or group of students will be responsible for their own quadrilateral. They will use the attached Word .doc to check off or cross off which properties their quadrilateral possesses.
Once this is done, the students or groups may report back to the class their findings and subsequently teaching each of the other groups about their quadrilaterals (thus filling in the rest of their chart).

After the Activity

Review student results:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary