Education Technology

Investigating Changes in Parameters on Parent Functions

Activity Overview

In each activity, students will use sliders to investigate the affect that changes in coefficients have on the parent function.

Before the Activity

Teacher may want to instruct students about the form of the equation and the fact that the students will be using sliders to investigate the effects of certain variables on the graph of the equation.

You will need to download the appropriate TNS file and make it available to students.

During the Activity

InvestigatingLinearFunctions.tns -- Activity investigates the affects of m and b on a linear function.

InvestigatingQuadraticFunctions.tns -- Activity investigates the affects of the variables a, h, and k on a quadratic function in the form f(x)=a(x-h)^2+k.

InvestigatingAbsoluteValueFunctions.tns -- Activity investigates the effects that the variables a, h, and k have on an absolute value function.

InvestigatingSineandCosineFunctions.tns -- Activity investigates the effects that the variables a, b, c, and d have on the trigonometric functions sine and cosine.