Education Technology

Vernier - Lemon Juice

Activity Overview

In this lesson, students will study some basic principles of cells using the juice of a lemon as the cell solution.


  • Students will build several cells.
  • Students will measure and display cell voltages.
  • Students will discover which combinations produce a voltage.
  • Students will decide which combination makes the "best" battery.

About the Lesson

In this experiment, students will learn that "juice" is a slang term sometimes used for electricity and that batteries are made up of one or more cells. They will also learn that cells often consist of two different materials in a solution that are connected to each other by a wire.

As a result students will:

  • Study some basic principles of cells using the juice of a lemon as the cell solution.
  • Place a small piece of two different materials into the lemon.
  • Use a calculator to measure and display the voltages produced.