Education Technology

Graphs and Fractions

Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Number Sense and Estimation
Activity Time
20 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Resource Types

Graphs and Fractions

Activity Overview

Have students draw squares on graph paper and half some of the squares on the outside.

Number all the squares and continue numbering with the halfs.

Students are then instructed to create their own ratios such as: 4 halves to eight wholes of odd numbers etc.

Encourage student's to be creative by using colors with their numbers.

Before the Activity

Students need to be able to use a ruler and pencil and a simple calculator.

They must also have been taught what a square in is, counting the graph paper equally on each side.

During the Activity

Have students draw squares on graph paper and half some of the squares on the outside.

Number all the squares and continue numbering with the halfs.

Students are then instructed to create their own ratios such as: 4 halves to eight wholes of odd numbers etc.

Encourage student's to be creative by using colors with their numbers.

After the Activity

You may want to color the squares for small children but mainly what you want is ratios of halves to wholes.

You will want to have students add to their graph paper or exchange papers with other students.

Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Number Sense and Estimation
Activity Time
20 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Resource Types
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