Education Technology

Quadratic Functions and Stopping Distance

Activity Overview

Analyze data in real-life applications of the quadratic function.


  • Students will utilize data in real-life applications of the quadratic function.
  • Students will generate quadratic regression equations to model the relationship between two variables in a set of data.
  • Students will interpolate and extrapolate values using their quadratic models for this real-life application.
  • Students will write compound inequalities to describe the effect of various driving conditions on stopping distance.


  • compound inequality
  • extrapolate
  • interpolate
  • quadratic regression equation

About the Lesson

This lesson involves analyzing data. As a result, students will:

  • Compare stopping distance under normal driving conditions with stopping distance while talking on a cell phone or driving in wet weather.
  • Generate quadratic equations to model the effects of different factors such as talking on a cell phone or driving in wet weather on stopping distance and compare it to the stopping distance under normal conditions.
  • Utilize their quadratic equations to make predictions about stopping distance.