Education Technology

Units 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods are completely prescribed and consists of four areas of study, Functions and Graphs, Calculus, Algebra and Probability and Statistics.  Students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, diagrams and geometric constructions, algebraic manipulation, equations, graphs, differentiation, anti-differentiation, integration and inference with and without the use of technology. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated through each unit as applicable.

For more information on the Mathematical Methods course, visit the VCAA website.

VIC: Mathematical Methods Yr12 Classroom ActivitiesDownload
Probability and Statistics

Introducing Sample Proportions

In this activity, simulated random sampling is used to develop the concept of the sample proportion as an estimator of the population proportion. Simulation will allow us to investigate how a sample proportion varies from sample to sample.

Distribution of Sample Proportions

In this activity, simulated random sampling is used to investigate the distribution of the sample proportion; in particular, the effect of changing the sample size and the population proportion. The approximate normality of the sampling distribution for large samples is also explored.


Confidence intervals for proportions

In this activity, the concept of standard error, and the precision of the estimator are developed. Using simulation, students will come to appreciate that an interval estimate can be thought of as a random interval, and will come to an understanding of the significance of a confidence interval.
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Graphs of Continuous Distributions

This activity focuses on graphs of probability density functions for continuous random variables, including the normal and standard normal distributions.

Graphs Binomial Distribution

A probability function may be represented as a formula (usually an equation), a table or a graph. In this activity, you will use interactive graphs in TI-Nspire CAS to explore the effect that changing the value of a parameter (a number describing some characteristic of the distribution) has on the graph of that probability function.
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Monty Hall

This classic problem challenges many students. What better way to explore it than a simulation? Once students work through the simulation, they are more open to working through the logic of the unexpected outcome. The Monty Hall problem is a must for all Methods students as they learn to dig deeper when it comes to investigating probabilities.