Module 4 - Parametric Equations, Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Introduction |
Lesson 1 |
Lesson 2 |
Lesson 3 |
Lesson 4 |
Self Test
What parametric equations should be used to graph y = cos(x) and its inverse?
Graph y = cos(x) and its inverse relation parametrically in an appropriate viewing window.
Restrict the domain of y = cos(x) to [0,
] and graph the inverse function in an appropriate viewing window.
Describe the transformations of y = sin(x) that produce the graph of
then graph the equation in Function mode on your calculator.
Data was gathered by a Texas Instruments CBL™ and light probe pointed at a fluorescent light. The design for this experiment is described in Real-World Math with the CBL-2 and LabPro, Activity 24.
Right click on L3 and L4 to download the lists to your computer. Store the lists to your calculator and make a scatter plot of the data. Use sine regression to find the equation that fits the data and graph this equation with the scatter plot.
What is the frequency of the sine equation found in Question 5?
Click here to check your answers.
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