Education Technology
Students describe the results of two- and three-step chance experiments, with and without replacements, assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities of events. They use language of ‘if ....then, ‘given’, ‘of’, ‘knowing that’ to investigate conditional statements. Students determine quartiles and interquartile range; construct and interpret box plots and use them to compare data sets including corresponding histograms and dot plots.
Year 10: Statistics and Probability Classroom ActivitiesDownload
Year 10: Long Jump image

Standard ACMSP250

Compare shapes of box plots to corresponding histograms and dot plots

Activity: Long Jump

Watch Activity Context

In 1968 Bob Beamon's world record long jump was so outstanding it went beyond the capabilities of the equipment used to accurately measure the jump. In this activity students explore the progression of the world record for the long jump using a variety of techniques, statistics and graphical representations. Watch the video to help put the activity into context. Does Bob's jump statistically represent an outlier?

  • ACMSP250
Year 10: ACMSP250 - Statistics Test image

Standard ACMSP250

Compare shapes of box plots to corresponding histograms and dot plots

Activity: ACMSP250 - Statistics Test - Year 10

Electronic, auto correcting assessment for the Australian Mathematics Curriculum standard ACMSP250 using the TI-Navigator system including a companion PDF of the same. Content detail: "Compare shapes of box plots to corresponding histograms and dot plots."
  • ACMSP250