Education Technology

TI guidebøger

Udgåede grafregnemaskiner

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Udgåede grafregnemaskiner

Udgået videnskabelige regnemaskiner

Udgåede finansielle regnemaskiner

Discontinued computer software

TI InterActive!™ computer software

TI InterActive!™ Getting Started guide

TI-GRAPH LINK™ software for Mac®

Download the TI-GRAPH LINK™ Mac® guidebook for the following calculators:

TI-82 graphing calculator
TI-83 graphing calculator
TI-85 graphing calculator
Other graphing calculators

TI-GRAPH LINK™ software for Windows®

Download the TI-GRAPH LINK™ Windows® guidebook for the following calculators:

TI-73 Explorer™ graphing calculator
TI-82 graphing calculator
TI-83 graphing calculator
TI-83 Plus graphing calculator
TI-85 graphing calculator
TI-86 graphing calculator
TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator
TI-92 graphing calculator
TI-92 Plus graphing calculator

Discontinued applications

Other discontinued products

The Geometer’s Sketchpad is a registered trademark of Key Curriculum Press, Inc. Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. SimCalc MathWorlds is a registered trademark of its owner. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. Vernier DataQuest is a trademark of Vernier Software & Technology.