Education Technology

Middle Grades Math: Proportionality in Tables, Graphs, and Equations

by Texas Instruments


  • Students will recognize and identify the characteristics of proportional and non-proportional relationships by analyzing a table, equation, and graph.


  • ratio
  • slope
  • y-intercept
  • constant rate of change
  • proportional
  • non-proportional

About the Lesson

This lesson involves analyzing changes in tables, equations, and graphs of lines to determine proportionality.
As a result, students will:

  • Explore how a change in one representation affects another representation.
  • Determine that a relationship is proportional if the ratio of the y-coordinate to the x-coordinate for each point on a line stays the same and the line goes through the origin.
  • Determine that a relationship is non-proportional if the ratio of the y-coordinate to the x-coordinate for each point on a line is not the same and the line does not go through the origin.