Education Technology
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TI-84 Plus 图形计算器 - 德州仪器 - 中国

...quation Solver App) 概率模拟程序 (Probability Simulation App) 拼图程序 (Puzzle Pack App) 不可控制的有理数程序 (Rational Number Rampage App) 科学工具程序 (Science Tools App) 模拟数学程序 (SimCalc MathWorlds™ App) SMILE 数学程序 (SMILE Mathematics App) ...

TI-89 Titanium 图形计算器 - 德州仪器 - 中国

...t. A simple menu-based navigation system permits quick access to any desired topic. This comprehensive application provides step by step solutions, examples, tutorials, theorems and graphical animations. View sample solutions with screenshots of the app at