Education Technology
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TI-84 Plus 图形计算器 - 德州仪器 - 中国

... 中文帮助程序 (Chinese Help App) 圆锥曲线作图程序 (Conic Graphing App) 十进制护卫程序 (Decimal Defender App) 基础科学专题程序 (Fundamental Topics in Science App) 确定函数系数程序 (Guess My Coefficients App) 不等式作图程序 (Inequality Graphing App) 语言本土化程序 (Language Loc...

TI-89 Titanium 图形计算器 - 德州仪器 - 中国

... 适用于 TI-89 Titanium 的 Polynomial Root Finder 应用程序(预装) TI does not sell this App. Please purchase this App from SmartSoft®. Statistics and Probability Made Easy is the ultimate educational Statistics and Probability tool. Users have boosted their statistics understanding and suc...