Module 2 - Lines
  Introduction | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Self-Test
 Self Test

  1. Find a point-slope equation of the line containing the points (-2, 1) and (3, 7) then write the equation in slope-intercept form.
  2. Find the point-slope equation of the line perpendicular to the line in Question 1 that contains the point (-2,1) then write the equation in slope-intercept form.
  3. Graph the lines in Questions 1 and 2. Choose an appropriate viewing window so the lines appear to be perpendicular.
  4. Track star Carl Lewis won the World Championship 100 Meter Dash in Tokyo, Japan, in 1991 with a time of 9.86 seconds. Below is a chart for the times that he had at the indicated distances. Enter the data in your List editor with time in L1 and distance in L2 and create a scatter plot.
  5. Time (sec) x 0 1.88 2.96 3.88 4.77 5.61 6.46 7.30 8.13 9.00 9.86
    Distance (m) y 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  6. Find the linear regression equation that best fits the data in Question 4.
  7. What does the slope of the line in Question 5 tell you about the race? Discuss the meaning of the y-intercept of the line in Question 5?

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