Module 2 - Lines
  Introduction | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Self Test

Calculus is a useful tool for describing and understanding rates of change and linear equations are a good place to begin the study of rates of change. In this module you will use the TI-83 to graph linear equations. You will also create scatter plots of real-world data, find linear regression equations that model sets of data, and explore what the slope of a linear equation tells you about the associated data's rate of change.

Lesson Index:

    2.1 - Equations of Lines

    2.2 - Scatter Plots and Linear Regression

    2.3 - Slopes and Rates of Change

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

  • Find linear equations and graph equations on the TI-83
  • Use the Zoom Standard, Zoom Square and Trace features of the TI-83
  • Create scatter plots from data sets
  • Find linear regression equation models to fit data sets
  • Explain what the slope of the linear regression equation tells you about the data

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