Module 22 - Differential Equations and Euler's Method
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 Lesson 22.1: Logistic Growth Revisited

Module 5 contained an experiment that simulated the spread of a rumor through a small population. In this lesson you will revisit that data and solve the related differential equation.

Modeling the Data

The following data from a simulation gives the cumulative number of people who know a rumor as it spreads through a population of 25 people.

Day Number Who Knew
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 8
5 13
6 20
7 24
8 25

  • Enter the data in your Stats/List Editor, set up Plot1, and create a scatter plot by pressing and selecting 9:ZoomStat.

[0.3, 8.7, 1] x [-3.08, 29.08, 10]

The shape of this scatter plot is called a logistic curve. The differential equation that describes the rate at which the rumor spreads is

y ' = k · y · (My)

where y is the number of people who know the rumor at time t. t is time measured in days, M is the maximum possible number of people who can know the rumor, and k is a constant. For this simulation, M is 25.

You will use the "Guess and Check" method to find an approximation for k that fits the data by graphing solutions to the differential equation for different values of k. Use an initial guess of 0.05 for k.

  • Set Y1 = 0.05Y*(25-Y).
  • If necessary, click here to download EULERG to your computer then reinstall the program on your calculator.
  • Run program EULERG.
  • Enter the initial conditions Initial X = 1 and Y(Initial X) = 1.
  • Enter a step size of 0.05.

The solution to the differential equation with k = 0.05 has the correct general shape but does not fit the data very well.

22.1.1 Modify the value of k in Y1 and run program EULERG again to get a better fit to the scatter plot. Continue to modify k and run EULERG until the graph of the solution to the differential equation approximates the scatter plot well. What value of k seems to work best?

Click here for the answer.

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