Module 22 - Differential Equations and Euler's Method
  Introduction | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Self-Test

In this module you will use differential equations to model the logistic growth data discussed in Module 5. You will also study Euler's method, which is a numerical method for approximating solutions to differential equations. Euler's method will help you understand the programs EULERG and EULERT that were used in Module 20. You will also learn to find approximate solutions to second-order differential equations using a program called DIFF2G.

Lesson Index:

    22.1 - Logistic Growth Revisited

    22.2 - Euler's Method

    22.3 - Second-Order Differential Equations

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

  • Find the growth constant in a logistic differential equation that best fits a given data set using the method of "Guess and Check"
  • Use Euler's method to find approximate solutions to differential equations
  • Use the ANS feature
  • Solve second-order differential equations analytically
  • Solve elementary second-order differential equations with the program DIFF2G

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