Module 17 - Riemann Sums and the Definite Integral
  Introduction | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Self-Test

In this module you will learn how to estimate areas by filling a region with rectangles and adding their areas. Such sums are called Riemann sums and you will use them to estimate the area of a region. The investigation of Riemann sums will lead to the definite integral, a basic construct of calculus.

Lesson Index:

    17.1 - Right-hand Riemann Sums

    17.2 - Left-hand Riemann Sums and the AREA Program

    17.3 - The Definite Integral

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

  • Define right-hand and left-hand Riemann sums on the TI-83
  • Use Riemann sums to approximate the area under a curve
  • Visualize Riemann sums by using a program
  • Evaluate definite integrals with the Integral feature on the TI-83
  • Evaluate definite integrals with the feature found in the CALC menu of the Graph screen on the TI-83

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